Szombathelyi Egyházmegye

Szécshenyi 2020 - Európai Szociális Alap

St. Martin's Jubilee Year

logo of jubilee yearWhat is our aim?

We would like you to get to know Saint Martin’s personality, mentality by the organized programmes of the jubilee year. Getting to know more information about the person who was canonized because of his examplary life and not by reason of a martyr’s death. We would like you to understand his strong character, what led him and what guided his deeds, the era in which he lived, what meant being a Christian that times, doing missonary work and leading the Church as a bishop.

The motto of the jubilee year has been ’elevating love’

It is a main aim to address not only people of Szombathely and people of the Diocese but everyone from Hungary and beyond the frontier to come to know Martin’s character by the cultural, sacral, spiritual programmes and sports events.

Making the fellowship stronger is also important.

We invite the old and the young to the events, as besides the believers, the non-believers can also have a great mind to find performances, exhibitions, concerts or sports events.

Saint Martin is the model of the solidarity love who shared his cloak with a beggar. He is the confessioner who put the Gospel according to Jesus Christ in the centre of his life. He is the Head of the Church who led people carefully. We hope during the surfing on the website you will take a fancy to visit us. We are waiting for you! Get to know the Diocese of Szombathely, memories of Saint Martin and take part in the programmes.