Szombathelyi Egyházmegye

Szécshenyi 2020 - Európai Szociális Alap

The cultus of Saint Martin

St. Martin

St. Martin-SalköveskútThe ideal accomplished by Saint Martin in his life attracted many people. Thousands of monks followed his example.

The greatness and truthfulness of his life and his being in Christ was acknowledged by the Church as well: he was canonized. He was the first peson in the Church’s history who was canonized because of his examplary life and not by reason of martyrdom.

Throughout the centuries, the memory of Saint Martin remained and spread in Gaul and on the whole continent. Frankish Carolingians chose him for the patron saint of their family and the whole Empire. They were said to own the cloak which Martin had shared with a beggar.

As the personality, deeds and his believer lief has become more well-known in the Church, more and more churches were built in honour of him. One of his followers raised a church on his tomb which is visited by thousands of pilgrims every year. His name is mentioned in prayers and songs, events of his life live further on frescos.

His veneration and authority is shown by the fact that today he is co-patron saint with Saint Benedict, founder of the Benedictine Monastery.