Szombathelyi Egyházmegye

Szécshenyi 2020 - Európai Szociális Alap

Saint Martin and Szombathely

St. Martin in Szombathely

Saint Martin was born in ancient Savaria, today Szombathely. As traditions say, Saint Martin’s Church and Cemetery had been built on top of St Martin's birthplace. One can read these words over the chapel's entrance: HIC NATUS EST SANCTUS MARTINUS (St Martin was born here).

Savaria plays an important role in Martin’s period of life when he spread Christianity in Pannonia, after his soldier years. He also baptized his mother. This scene is presented in the statue standing in front of the Saint Martin’s Church.

County town of Vas has owed St Martin thanks for his work. On the medieval maps of the Middle Ages we can find the name of the settlement because one of the biggest holy of  Church was born here.  The town got several  privilege from her former landlords or kings (tax exemption).


There are paintings, glass windows, statues about Martin all over the town. (Anton Maulbertsch’s altar-piece in the  Cathedral, Martin’s reliquary with his headbone piece, glass windows and paintings of the Seminary, the ceiling picture of  Bishop’s Palace with St Kvirin and St Martin in it.